Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee

Agenda Item 7(b)


Subject:                    Dementia Friendly Community

                                    Notice of Motion referred from Council on the 7 April 2022


Date of meeting:    14 June 2022


Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release





1.1    To receive the following Notice of Motion which was debated at and referred from the full Council meeting held on the 7 April 2022.




2.1    That the Sub-Committee note and undertake the actions agreed in the Notice of Motion.



3.1       This Council notes:


·         There are over 1800 people diagnosed with dementia living in Brighton & Hove, which will rise very significantly

·         Diagnostic rates for dementia have dropped in the city

·         Parliamentary report on dementia 20211 concluded the “care system is a bureaucratic maze that patient and carers are expected to navigate at their most vulnerable” and “much progress is still needed” in dementia care.

·         The Government has committed to produce a stand-alone dementia strategy this year.


This Council commends the work being done locally to support those with dementia including but not limited to:


·         Identifying funding to appoint a 2-year Dementia Friendly Public Health Specialist

·         Committing to the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friendly Communities initiative

·         Launching Dementia Friendly training sessions across the council and with partners

·         Working with transport providers on dementia awareness



Council also believes we can do more, therefore requests a report be taken to the relevant committee outlining current progress and further steps that can be taken, including but not limited to:


1)    Continued funding for the Public Health Dementia Friendly project beyond 2 years

2)    Prioritising work with the NHS to improve diagnostic rates

3)    Extending the dementia friendly awareness sessions by making them mandatory for customer-facing roles

4)    Dementia Friendly environmental checks being carried out in all public buildings and open spaces

5)    Further involvement of local dementia groups

6)    Appointment of Dementia Champions from each directorate senior team and among councillors



Supporting Information:


Supporting those with dementia and their carers (,people%20unknowingly%20living%20with%20dementia


Brighton & Hove City Council




6.30pm 7 April 2022


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Bagaeen, Barnett, Brown, Clare, Davis, Druitt, Evans, Fishleigh, Gibson, Heley, Henry, Hugh-Jones, Janio, Lewry, Lloyd, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, McNair, Moonan, Nemeth, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Powell, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, Wilkinson and Williams









101     dementia friendly community


101.1      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Moonan on behalf of the Labour Group and formally seconded by Councillor Henry.


101.2      Councillor Shanks spoke in favour of the motion.


101.3      Councillor Bagaeen spoke in favour of the motion.


101.4      The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


This Council notes:


·         There are over 1800 people diagnosed with dementia living in Brighton & Hove, which will rise very significantly

·         Diagnostic rates for dementia have dropped in the city

·         Parliamentary report on dementia 20211 concluded the “care system is a bureaucratic maze that patient and carers are expected to navigate at their most vulnerable” and “much progress is still needed” in dementia care.

·         The Government has committed to produce a stand-alone dementia strategy this year.


This Council commends the work being done locally to support those with dementia including but not limited to:


·         Identifying funding to appoint a 2-year Dementia Friendly Public Health Specialist

·         Committing to the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friendly Communities initiative

·         Launching Dementia Friendly training sessions across the council and with partners

·         Working with transport providers on dementia awareness


Council also believes we can do more, therefore requests a report be taken to the relevant committee outlining current progress and further steps that can be taken, including but not limited to:


1)    Continued funding for the Public Health Dementia Friendly project beyond 2 years

2)    Prioritising work with the NHS to improve diagnostic rates

3)    Extending the dementia friendly awareness sessions by making them mandatory for customer-facing roles

4)    Dementia Friendly environmental checks being carried out in all public buildings and open spaces

5)    Further involvement of local dementia groups

6)    Appointment of Dementia Champions from each directorate senior team and among councillors


101.5      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.